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Artist Statement


Ever since my sister took Ceramics in High School and brought home and displayed all of her projects, I have been interested in making these cool objects that scatter my house. Now that I've been taking Ceramics for the past 3 years, I have noticed a different meaning in her pieces than when I first saw them as pretty and colorful. My sister made her pieces standout. Her ideas were not only out of the box, but sometimes even hard to explain. She made her pieces noticed, and I decided that's what I wanted to do with my pieces. 


I want my pieces to standout, because in a classroom full of clay pieces, who's is going to interest you the most? Which piece is going to shout out to you and force you to come over and see it? Well, hopefully it would be my pieces. When creating ideas, I would first think of what normal people would think to do, then I would try and twist that idea into something different. I've always tried to incorporate something new into my projects, whether it be a new glaze technique, or even just a new material, to make it look more interesting and different. 


Not only is it exciting to try something new, but it's also exciting to see how it'll come out in the end. Ceramics is like a mystery. You can make a perfect project, all smooth and nice and everything, but you'll never know what goes on inside the kiln. The glazes mix and dance in their own way, that they don't even care if they ruin your project. It's all just a big mystery that you can't solve until your piece is out of the kiln. Maybe that's why I like Ceramics so much, because you never know what's going to happen, just like in life. Life will at some point throw curve balls at you, but just like if your project comes out of the kiln in pieces, you need to find a way to fix it and make it better than it ever was before. 


I force people to look at my pieces, whether it be because it's scary looking or because it's a different shape, I make them notice it. I want people to look at my pieces and think hard, and make their own opinion about it, if they hate it then great, at least they thought about it. I want to challenge the norm. I want to make people see that weird art, and different art, can be just as beautiful as normal art in it's own way. 



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